
IT Connect 360 insightfully explains cybersecurity and information technology facts, data, and news.

Continuous Penetration Testing Benefits

Continuous Penetration Testing Benefits

In the digital age, where businesses are increasingly dependent on technology, cybersecurity has become a critical concern. One aspect of cybersecurity that often gets overlooked is penetration testing, particularly continuous penetration testing. This article aims to...

Seven things that pandemic taught us about data security

Seven things that pandemic taught us about data securityAs workers fled home to handle everything remotely, organizations had to quickly address new threats and questions that were raised about maintaining the integrity and safety of their data.From the IT...

Stars of the show: Cloud and VOIP

Stars of the show: Cloud and VOIP

Despite annoying challenges presented by the abrupt shift to the WFH model thanks to the pandemic, there were some tech heroes that saved the day. These two made WFH possible. The cloud The cloud is that platform whereby you outsource your data storage as well as many...

Two reasons to pay attention to software

Two reasons to pay attention to software

Software matters. What your employees use can impact your firm and your customers. Pay attention. Make rules. New software applications In the pre-pandemic phase, even when companies had staff working from home they were fewer in number and a lot of them even came...

Access matters when things go to **and?)!

Access matters when things go to **&?)!The COVID-19 pandemic brought a multitude of lessons along with it, on both the personal and professional fronts. From the business perspective, the pandemic turned things upside down across almost every industry. One of the...

Get Started Upgrading, Building Out, or Overhauling Your Network

It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Get Started

Enhance your IT infrastructure with more efficient hardware and software, data consolidation, accelerated speed, robust reliability, better security, and improved scalability to help your business expansion and resilience.

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